Testing Stations

NZTA FAQ Structure

These FAQs will be regularly updated as the current situation changes, and as more information is available to us. Please check them regularly for updates.

If you are a member of the general public and have a transport related question, please check our FAQs first, or email info@nzta.govt.nz.

If you are an industry partner with the Transport Agency and have a question, please check our FAQs first, or email regulatorycovid19@nzta.govt.nz.

More information about Alert Level 3 is available on the Government’s COVID-19 website. On 10 April 2020, a new Rule came into effect. Read the Rule on our website. Visit the Ministry of Transport for more information about the Rule change, including additional questions and answers.

Driver licensing/driving
Frequently asked questions about driver licensing, endorsements, permits, driving while restrictions are in place.

Vehicle licensing (Rego)
Frequently asked questions about regos, including online rego renewals.

Road duties and taxes
Frequently asked questions about Road User Charges (RUC), Fuel Excise Duty (FED) and Regional Fuel Tax (RFT).

Alcohol Interlock Devices
Frequently asked questions about driving with an Alcohol Interlock Device.

Frequently asked questions about how to make payments and checking payments are received.

Please read the following link for more information: https://www.nzta.govt.nz/about-us/coronavirus-disease-covid-19-services-update/frequently-asked-questions/
